Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beautifully Virtuous Women's Conference

New Virtuous Wings

God placed His True Virtuous Women in their Godly Cocoon;
pruning, molding, and equipping for His Purpose to be revealed soon.

Virtuous Women enduring battles not realizing God was 
sharpening their virtuousness for a season that has arrived. 
He is releasing a new anointing and His Glory upon them to 
be released throughout this entire nation.

The old wings has died for it has served it's purpose. 
The new virtuous wings have been formed and now are preparing to 
fly in the heavenly realms to rule and reign. For God is ready 
to place His Virtuous Women in high places.

Prophetic Word From God For Your Life. 

My Precious Daughter for I have been keeping you under My wings 
of protection for such a time as this. What I allowed for you
to endure I am now using for My Purpose and for My Glory.

I felt your pain, your disappointments, and your frustrations.
My Anointed Daughter you are My chosen few.
I will seat you in high places so that I may 
rule and reign through you. Stay faithful and 
in love with Me as you have. It is your season and
I have given you new heavenly wings to fly.
God's Decree.

It is my honor to invite you personally to:
"Beautifully Virtuous Women's Conference."

Many of us have been expecting our time, expecting that true breakthrough, 
we have been waiting for that change but all along God had been preparing 
us with His new Heavenly Wings that He has now given us.
He still finds us worthy to seat us in high places so that He can use us in 
a new and mighty way. I encourage you if God is leading you to 
attend this conference please be obedient. It will be a spiritual awakening 
like never before. Don't miss God! Come and activate your new virtuous wings.

Heavenly Blessings, 
Prophetess Li Lee 

Beautifully Virtuous Women's Conference
Saturday April 13, 2013
10am - 4pm

Hampton Inn and Suites Downtown Atlanta
161 Spring Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 589-1111

Limited Seats!

Purchase Tickets 

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